David John Sheppard Playlist : Howls & Whispers Exclusive
Multi instrumentalist David John Sheppard has recently released his much anticipated first solo album ‘Vertical Land’. His multi-various collaborative projects fuse avant-experiment and filmic atmospheres with a rich melodic and rhythmic sensibility. With this latest offering Sheppard infuses sounds of the world with hammering strings & vibraphone mallets creating an innately joyful sense of melody and rhythm. He has kindly provided us with an exclusive playlist of tracks that have inspired him down the years. Below are some words about his selections:
"These are all tracks that I was listening to during the writing and making of Vertical Land. Obviously, like the album, this is largely instrumental music, with a fair few mallet instruments and pastoral guitars, but their influence on me was more in terms of atmosphere, or a certain kind of courageousness of approach, rather than anything genre-specific or musically thematic. I think they'll take you on a bit of a journey."
'Vertical Land' is out now on Village Green, to buy your copy please click here.
To visit David John Sheppard's website please click here.